Visit us at the Speak Out Disability Expo

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The 2021 Speak Out Disability Expo connected Nexus clients with services.
Nexus staff talking to visitors at the 2021 Speak Out Disability Expo.

Navigating all the wonderful opportunities that Nexus offers clients is so much easier in-person, with a friendly face and a listening ear. 

This is exactly what is on offer at the annual Speak Out Disability Expo: Gearing Up for Choice and Control, on Wednesday 21 September. 

Staff are looking forward to meeting the public to answer any questions and showcase the breadth of services that Nexus offers.  

“People feel more comfortable meeting us in person to talk about what they would and wouldn’t like with their support, and all those little questions they might have like the day to day running of a Supported Independent Living home or the hours of Community Services,” Client Intake Manager Donna said. 

“A lot of people don’t know about all of the many services we have too, like all the lovely things the community access programs offer.”  

The expo showcases Tasmania’s leading disability non-profit organisations; connecting clients, families and carers with the services and supports they need the most.  

The Nexus team will be particularly excited to showcase their latest services offerings in the form of the SEED social enterprise and the Nexus Customised Employment program, both of which are creating real pathways to meaningful employment.  

“Through SEED we run a domestic and commercial cleaning service and gardening service, as well as fruit picking and orchard operations, where clients get paid award wages,” SEED Manager Jackie said. 

“We also have a Salamanca Market stall where we sell the produce from the orchard – apples, pears and cherries.  

“All our workers have come through the Nexus Customised Employment program, where they receive training and support to help them find permanent employment.” 

Jackie said it has always been a joy to attend the expo with Nexus to help busy families connect with the services they need. 

“So many parents are time-poor, busy working and keeping the family unit together, so when they come to the expo they can get everything seen to all in the one go.”  

The Speak Out Disability Expo: Gearing Up for Choice and Control will be held on September 21, 9.30am-4pm, at Princes Wharf No 1, Castray Esplanade in Hobart.